
Planting and growing vines Class5th


Pages 258-259

It's one of the most important factors which determines the success of the grapes harvest. Not only, does the place where vineyards are grown play a crucial role for the  vine productivity but many aspects such as sunlight exposition, surrounding flora and fauna,  soil composition,  climatic conditions and temperature influence the grape quality.

The vines should be planted with heads towards sun while their roots have to be kept cool using stones or rocks which shield them from the direct sunrays.

Soil preparation:
Soil must be dug ( dig dug/ dug) deeply enough to hold (hold/held/held) the extensive root system of vines.
Rotten farm manure and a compost made of oak, ash and lime trees have to be added to foster vine growth.

Trellis framework
After planting vines, during the first two years,  their side branches will grow and expand. Branches will have to be tied up to wires and trellis without being too constrained or damaged.

During the first two years, in summer, once a month it's important to fertilize the vines with liquid feed to bolster its growth.

At the beginning of the third year, mulch with some well rotted manure can be added on the base of the vines. Feed liquid fertilization has to be stopped.

Pruning vines and  grape production
The grapes, which are produced during the first two years,  have to be left on the vines. Each bunch have to be thinned by removing 2/3 of its grapes.

At the beginning of the third year farmers have to thin  bunches by 1/3  and  in summer they must remove some foliage around the grapes. At the end of the summer there will be the first grape harvest.

At the end of the third year the new shoots have to be tied up and cut by 25% to support the future fruiting spurs. 

In winter farmers usually use tar to protect vines from any pest that can infest stems and buds during the winter.


Browse the following webpage and read about VITIS VINIFERA:


  1. where it comes from,  
  2. what it looks like, 
  3. where it grows
  4. how much water it needs
  5. what it is used for