
Chianti The wine from Tuscany Class5th


THE LEGEND " The Black Rooster"
"Legend has it that in 13th century Florence and Siena decided to use a horse race to end their land dispute over Chianti. The meeting point of two knights, who had left respectively from Florence and Siena when the rooster sang at dawn, would mark the new borders of their territories. The Florentines selected a black rooster and kept it for a few days in a box with no food. On the day of the race, when they took the rooster out of the box, he sang much earlier than dawn.  Thus the Florentine knight left before the Sienese rider, meeting him only him only 20 km from Siena walls. Since then the black rooster has been the symbol of Chianti: first of the Chianti League in 13th century and then of the Chianti Classico Consortium."

Where does Chianti wine come from? 
Look at the map below and browse the following website to know more about Chianti wine :


In 1984, Chianti obtained the denomination D.O.C.G. (Denominazione d'Origine Controllata e Garantita, or Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin), which is the highest type of protection and recognition for quality Italian wines.