
Soil Texture by feel Class 4

You can see and feel the texture of a soil rubbing a small sample of soil between fingers.

Soil texture varies from CLAY that is fine, through SILT that is medium, to SAND that is coarse.

LOAMY SOIL contains a large amount of organic matter which retains water and provide nutrients to the plants.
SAND AND CLAY SOILS have  less organic matter and have drainage problems.

Clay soil is defined heavy
Sandy soil is defined light

Now watch the video and then fill in the chart below.

Sand soil ____________________________________________________________
Loamy sand__________________________________________________________
Clay loam____________________________________________________________
Sandy loam____________________________________________________________
Silt loam_______________________________________________________________
Sandy clay loam_______________________________________________________
Silty clay loam________________________________________________________
Sandy clay____________________________________________________________
Silty clay_________________________________________________________________

Now watch this second video and learn how to use the Texture Triangle