
Wine making Class 5


Where did the wine first come from?

A legend says that an old Sumerian king who loves his crops of grapes,  wanted to hide it in a cask. Nobody could open it, not even his wives and children! He warned them saying it was a poison. 
One day, one of his wives who was suffering from depression, decided to commit suicide.She opened the cask and drank the poison. Actually, she drank what we call wine. So, she began laughing and her mood got better.

Now you can learn more about the history of Winemaking browsing the timeline presented on Vinepair 

Where the crib of wine making was located?
Click on the word MAP and you will find where the world's oldest winery was unearted by a group of archaeologists  of the University of California.

Here are two pictures representing an Egyptians inscription and a painting found in different tomb.