
Nurseries Class 4

 What is a NURSERY?

HOW are plants propagated ?

Asexual propagation of plants refers to producing more plants by budding, grafting, or layering from existing plants.

To know something more about grafting and budding read
 this interesting paper Plant_Propagation_Methodologies.pdf 


With the term grafting we mean some different techniques in which a section of a stem with leaf buds is inserted into the stock of a tree. 
It is used to reproduct other cultivars,  repair injured trees or for topworking an esthablish trees to one or more different cultivars. 


A single bud is used as a SCION. 
Budding is the most commonly method used for fruit tree reproduction.
It is done in summer.


It is the technique in which a portion of an aerial stem grows roots while still attached to the parent plant.

To learn how to reproduce a new plant with layering watch the video below.