
daily routine class1st


To review language describing routine activities browse the following links:







Then, answer the following questions

  1. What do you often eat for breakfast? Do you think it’s healthy food? 
  2. What time do you arrive at school? Are you ever late?
  3. What time do you eat lunch? Do you eat alone or with other people?
  4. What time do you get home after school or work? Are you tired when you get home? 
  5. What’s your favorite TV show? Why do you like it? 
  6. How much time do you spend on-line each day? Is it too much?
  7. What time do you usually eat dinner?
  8. What hobbies do you have? What’s your favourite hobby?
  9. How do you like to relax in the evenings? 
  10. What time do you usually go to bed at night? Should you go to bed earlier?
Lastly, have fun with the following assignment:

Creato con Padlet


The verbs to remember and remind class3rd

To remember

Watch the video to learn 

I remember  playing football when I was young.
She remembers taking the books at school yesterday. 

I need to remember to buy my wife a present.
Please, remember to give my books back!

To remind

If a person or thing reminds you of someone or something, they make you think of that person or thing, or they resemble that person or thing:

This song reminds me of  the girl I fell in love with  some years ago.

If we remind someone to do something or about something, we make them remember it or help them not to forget it:
. Shall I ring him and remind him to come ealier?
Remind me to call Tom today; otherwise I’ll probably forget.

Now, listen to the song and think about the way the verbs TO REMEMBER and TO REMIND are used.


Soil profile class4th

In order to revise what you have already learnt  about soil profile and to be well prepared for the next reading test click on the link below and browse the presentation

When you open the presentation, click on the botton with four arrows on the left,  open the presentation window, then  move on using the arrow keys on the keyboard.


need, needn' t, don't need, needed,didn't need

The verb need is both used as an ordinary verb and as a modal verb


She needs a new car 
(need is followed by an object)
She doesn’t need a new car
Does she need a new car?

In the negative form

She needn’t buy a new car
(here there isn’t s at the third person)

She needs to buy a new car
(need followed by a verb)
She doesn’t need to buy a new car
Does she need to buy a new car?

She needed to buy a new car
She didn’t need to buy a new car

She needn’t have bought a new car

She will need to buy a new car
She won’t need to buy a new car

She has needed to buy a new car for long time

My room needs cleaning
My room doesn’t need cleaning