

It is produced in the region of Emilia Romagna. 

It is a tasteful, digestible cheese, advised as baby food. It has got an unique delicate and tasteful flavour and fragrance. 

It is produced with milk collected immediately after milking and partly skimmed by gravity. Cows are fed only with grass and hay and so the chees can assume its typical straw colour. 

No additives are used during its processing phase.
Only natural whey culture and calf rennet are allowed.

Its long ageing process takes minimum 12 months up to 24/36 months and gives the cheese its unique taste, aroma and digestibility.The cheese assumes its full qualities after a period of 18/24months. 

Its scaly internal structure is made of thin flakes radiating from, or converging towards the centre. its internal mass is mellow, soft, minutely granulated. 

The unmistakable golden rind must be marked with the pin-dot writing. There have to be the registration number identifying the diary which manufactured the cheese, the date of production, and the oval trademark which guarantees that the cheese wheel has the legally prescribed characteristics.

The average cheese wheel weighs from 33 to 40 kgs.

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